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Physiotherapeutic department

Modern methods in the application of physical factors in medicine make it possible to influence the course of diseases of the locomotor system and periods of restoration of the injured bone fabric effectively. For this reason we widely apply physical factors in complex pathogenetic treatment of children and teenagers with orthopedic pathology and consequences of injuries.

The department has 8 physiotherapy offices equipped with modern medical equipment,  allowing us to render effective medical care to children not only with a main disease of the bones and locomotor system, but also with accompanying pathology of other organs and systems. 

Applied types of physiotherapeutic treatment:

• Galvanization and electrophoresis of medicinal substances

• Amplipulse therapy

• DVM-terapiya, KVCh-terapiya, ultra-high-frequency treatment, D'Arsanvalizatsiya

 • Inductothermy

• Magnetotherapy

 • Ultra-violet radiation

• Fotochromotherapy

• Laser therapy

• Photodynamic laser therapy

• Mud cure and ozokeritotherapy

 • Hydromassage, mineral and medicated bath

• Pneumomassage

• Phonophoresis of medicinal substances

• Magnetic-pulse and electrostimulation

 • Inhalations steam-air and ultrasonic

The structure of the physiotherapeutic department includes a reflexotherapy office.

Reflex therapy is an effective method of traditional medicine.

Accupunctural, biologically active points are representative of the human body’s functional systems, his internal, endocrine glands, head and spinal cord. Impact on them causes neurosedative regulation of a homeostasis, dynamic equilibrium of processes of excitation and braking in structures of head and spinal cord. As a result there are medical effects: analgetic, spasmolytic, vasoactive, neurosedative. Considering this fact, the reflex therapy is applied successfully in case of many diseases and consequences of injuries of the locomotive system.

We apply the following methods of reflexotherapy:

• Iglopunktura

• Magnitopunktura

• Svetopunktura

• Tszyu-terapiya

• Sujok therapy

• Auriculotherapy 

There is a highly qualified reflex therapist with a wide experience of work in this specialty.

Staff of department

2 doctors of physiotherapy and 8 physiotherapeutic nurses work in the department. All employees of te department have the certificates, first and higher qualification categories.