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Clinical departments

In Children's Rehabilitation Center of Orthopedics and Traumatology "Ogonyok" 

5 clinical departments function for children’s inpatient treatment with diseases and consequences of injuries to the locomotive system.

Children take place in clinical departments according to their age, irrespective of orthopedic pathologies.

I clinical department– 45 beds for children from 4 till 8 years

II clinical department – 45 beds for children from 9 till 11 years

III clinical department – 55 beds for children from 12 till 13 years

IV clinical department – 55 beds for children from 14 till 15 years

V clinical department – 26 beds for children from 16 till 17 years

All departments maintain sanitary standards and rules applicable to children's clinical facilities of an orthopedic profile. The clinical department’s equipment makes it possible to render specialized medical aid to patients with limited locomotive ability.

Each department has wards with 3-8 places, a nursing post, a procedure unit, doctors' lounge, a room for nursing staff, cafeteria for patients, a shower room and a lavatory. I and II department, also have games rooms for children. All wards V in the clinical department are equipped with separate lavatories with shower cabins.

The clinical departments are staffed by highly qualified traumatologists-orthopedists and nurses. Attentive and careful paramedical personnel take care of children. Skilled educators organize children’s leisure.